Welcome to Adulthood

“Miss?” My head snaps in the direction of the reception desk where a curly blonde woman in a blue aviator uniform complete with 1950s spectacles sits. She glances in my direction as I stand, others around me in the waiting room … Continue reading

“Those Three Words Are Said Too Much, But Not Enough”

He told me he loved me.

I was prepping to get out of the car and he said wait I want you to read something and I said now? and he pulled my door shut and dug into the compartment to pull out the leather bound notebook I gave him for Christmas. Tears weld in my eyes, a part of me knew, but I wasn’t scared. I didn’t want to run, I just wanted to stay, stay in the moment forever. The note was addressed to me, he shut off the radio and I read every beautiful word written down on that page, slightly mad and a bit distracted like his beautiful mind is, little inside jokes and him telling me a little thing about those three words, I looked up at him and he says, turn the page. There it is, top of the page simple as day, I can’t remember if he said it aloud or if his voice filled my mind as I read the three most beautiful words off the notebook page. I turned to him and said I love you too, and I’m not saying it drunkenly this time! we both giggled and he said it again and I said it and I wanted to say it first again so I said it again and I mussed out the thank yous and words that would never tell him how much he meant to me and how much those beautiful words meant to me.

I think sometimes when you’re with someone great, someone who’s your best friend, your boyfriend, and your confidant, you just feel love earlier, I had caught myself almost telling him I love him multiple times, way too early but I meant it. Isn’t that just absolutely crazy?!

Anyway, now I’m rambling, but I just wanted to let all you lonely hearts out there that it is possible for everyone and it is real and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been hurt, if you’ve been left behind, if you have divorced parents, if you’re depressed or anxious or whatever, because somebody loves you and when you’re ready and when you’re happy with yourself and your life, they will find you and fit right into place ready to take the world by storm with you.

Patience, love.

Missing Someone hurts, but It Hurts Even More When You Didn’t Have A Chance To Say Goodbye.

Unresolved Promises forgotten Words left up in the air You never told me our time was up We just faded out A candle left running in an empty room Light extinguishes, darkness engulfs the space that you left I’ve bent … Continue reading

Everything I do, Is For You

I’m 18, and yet I constantly feel as though I’m shouting at my parents “Be proud of me!!!” casually dropping things such as, getting an A or leaving an aced paper on the kitchen table, little things just to feel … Continue reading

Something I Think Many of Us have Forgotten how Much We Enjoy…

I read an article on Thought Catalogue and there was one bulletpoint that I just had to stop. My Imagination bubbled with a tea shoppe in France and an antique clock on the wall. Here’s the quote.. 

“2. Savoring time to do nothing. Taking a cue from pre-industrialized society and cultures that enjoy siestas and long, drawn-out, sit-down teas that serve no other purpose than to spend time enjoying the time you have.” 

This is something a lot of us have forgotten how to do and even how relaxing it can be, we are a society who constantly checks our phones whenever we have time we have forgotten how to sit quietly, maybe outside if weather permits, drink tea or coffee and just.. BE. 

I believe that it is important to have this daily, just a moment for your mind and body to relax. Not thinking about what you’ve got to do later today, or next week, or next year. Not letting your mind overthink situations and conversations that are in the past, but living in the moment and simply enjoying the small things in life. 

Read the article that inspired this here: 
